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Monday, June 20, 2011


By: ICTMN Staff
"When President Barack Obama bounded into the White House, he brought with him the goodwill of tribal leaders who vouched for him, as well as the adoration of tribal citizens who voted for him. And he was freshly anointed with the adopted name Barack Black Eagle, granted by citizens of the Crow Nation in May 2008. Given these gestures of support, many Natives thought it would reasonable to expect an apology from this unique president—not for any sins he had committed, but to make amends for the Indian-related injustices of America’s past. But as his presidency has progressed—especially as the now-infamous Geronimo/Osama bin Laden code name controversy played out—it has become increasingly clear that a mea culpa from Obama to Indians isn’t coming."

My Thoughts:
I'll never forget that day as I sat in a Washington, DC hotel room and heard the words straight from our President's mouth... Geronimo was the code name for Bin Laden. I was in disbelief - I even asked a friend if I had heard what I thought I did. Less than two months earlier, I had been representing our Tribal Chairman on the issue of a military tribunal comparing Al Qaeda terrorist acts with those of our people during the Seminole wars.  We urged the President to take action and we were pushed aside and sent to the Department of Defense "to handle." 
I urge all of you to take a serious look at what this means for our people and our future. We celebrated when President Obama named Kim Teehee to an elevated position within White House. "Policy Advisor" - where are you Kim? What are you advising or what did you advise on the issue of Al Bahlul and Geronimo?  
Native nations - it's time to stand up and it's time to fight for our rights as native people. I urge all of you to get involved - VOTE in 2012!!!  We cannot convince this administration or any other if we can't show that we matter at the polls! 

Sunday, June 19, 2011


The United South and Eastern Tribes and the National Congress of American Indians will host a two-day “Carcieri fix” summit in Washington June 21-23.
The purpose of the Carcieri Fix Summit is to gather support for legislation—S. 676, introduced in the Senate by Sen. Daniel Akaka (D-Hawaii), and H.R. 1291 and and H.R. 1234, introduced in the House by Rep. Tom Cole (R-Oklahoma)  and Rep. Dale Kildee, respectively—that would reaffirm the Secretary of the Interior’s authority to place land into trust for all federally recognized Indian tribes.
“Land is essential to our sovereignty and who we are,” said United South and Eastern Tribes (USET) President Brian Patterson. “This land from the west coast to the east coast holds the bones of our ancestors.”

Although I am no longer employed by the Seminole Tribe, I plan on heading to DC for some of this if not all of it.... Ever since the Carcieri decision was first released, I have been following this issue. Regardless of how you look at it this one decision exemplifies the position of state governments and their opposition to tribal sovereignty. 
Stay tuned....

Saturday, June 18, 2011


I am reminded everyday that I am truly blessed with the best parents... Mother's Day was last month so I am compelled to write something about my Pops! Those of you who know me personally must admit that my romantic life was never.... well.... it was never envied by anyone - we'll leave it at that! At 43 years old I have taken ownership of the fact that I am not meant for a relationship - I am one of those women who will have her family, a few good friends and about 200 cats! Why is that?? I am sure women like me - there are many of us - have their own reasons but I know that it's because no one has ever been able to live up to the example of what a man of the house should be. He always worked his butt off for my brother and I - so that we could have more than he ever did... We never sat and looked out the window wondering when or if  he was coming home; we never watched him come home drunk and beat our mom; we were never hungry and although we didn't have a lot of money we never knew we were poor. My brother and I never knew we were poor. My dad taught me how to change a tire, how to troubleshoot my house's air conditioning system, and how to be independent.
I wouldn't have it any other way.... I may be a horrible girlfriend, wife, or whatever but he taught me how to be a good mom and a good daughter! Thank you dad for being a real father and a real example!


National Park Service's 100 Year Birthday is in 2016. August 25, 2016 is the 100th Birthday of the National Park Service. Starting with Yellowstone in 1872 there are almost 400 units in the National Park Service today.
How Old is the System? The National Park Service was created by an Act of Congress and signed by President Woodrow Wilson on August 25, 1916. Yellowstone National Park was established by an Act signed by President Ulysses S. Grant on March 1, 1872, as the Nation’s first national park.
The Mission of the National Park Service: The National Park Service preserves unimpaired the natural and cultural resources and values of the National Park System for the enjoyment, education, and inspiration of this and future generations. The National Park Service cooperates with partners to extend the benefits of natural and cultural resource conservation and outdoor recreation throughout this country and the world.

Our nation's national parks are majestic, beautiful and sacred! I am called back to the writing of David Hurst Thomas and his discussion of the Name Game that was one of the missions of Lewis and Clark as they traversed the nation's northwest passage. Our national parks represent the sacred sites of America's native nations. Traditional names as well as purpose were taken from places throughout the country and replaced with Euro-American heroes and Christian saints or deities. Name it and you can claim it!
This 100th Anniversary offers the NPS an opportunity to interpret the parks in such a way that educates visitors of their original names and purpose. Proper consultation will provide the NPS with the roadmap to accomplish this task. 

Friday, June 17, 2011


As we begin National Prayer Week and people across this nation are praying at our sacred sites, we find ourselves praying heavily for preservation and protection.  I have been at many meetings and have listened to Navajo President Ben Shelly, speak about various issues. His voice may not be high in volume but his words speak volumes! There are many other tribal leaders like Three Affiliated's Tex Hall and Mashpee Wampanoag's Cedric Cromwell,  and Wampanoags of Gay Head (Aquinnah) Cheryl Andrews-Maltais who fight just to be heard... Who fight to retain what is left of sovereignty... 

By Carol Berry - Indian Country Today Media Network
Ben Shelly, Navajo Nation president, is apologetic yet determined when it comes to one of the country’s special places, a place he calls “very important.” He is one of the leaders in the fight to protect the San Francisco Peaks—sacred to more than 13 Southwestern tribes—from using treated sewage water for artificial snowmaking at the Arizona Snowbowl Ski Resort near Flagstaff.
His position echoes that of leaders across North America who have watched as sacred sites have been swallowed up or damaged by private, non-Native users, government-backed projects or vandalism, or who watch sites’ protection defined simply as an archaeological issue. Some leaders contacted by telephone were steadfast in a slow fight to maintain the sites for tribal survival and future generations.
Observances and ceremonies will be held across the country from June 17 through June 21 to mark the 2011 National Days of Prayer to Protect Native American Sacred Places. The sites are scattered across the Plains states and the Midwest, through the Southwest into California, and resonate with a roll call of sacred names—Antelope Hills, Bear Butte, Black Mesa, Eagle Rock, Everglades, Klamath River, Mount Tenabo, Rainbow Bridge and countless others.

Thursday, June 16, 2011


I find that as a member of this thing we call humanity, we often only pay attention to what affects us as individuals and we usually only act (react) when something is threatening our personal interests. I had a professor in college that used to ask us about the political self - the self is political - what is or isn't "political?"
As I heard the news that Echo Hawk rescinded the 2008 guidance memo concerning off-reservation gaming, the wheels started turning on how does it affect Seminole and Miccosukee? That made me think about this last election cycle and how I really want to hear our tribal members discuss these issues so that we can begin affecting the change we need or want to see for the future good of our people...
That made me think... what is our vision, what is our goal? Prior to leaving the Tribe, we began a strategic planning process with the help of Blue Stone Strategy - I only hope that the work continues because those questions were going to be brought to the people... I want to know... what do WE want to BE in the future?  I don't want to know what we want to HAVE in the future... I want to know what WE want to BE.... What is our Seminole self? How can we politicize anything without a sense of what that self is?
Yes, I think too much... but I'm not ready to give up this discussion...

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


June 14, 2011
Interior Assistant Secretary Larry Echo Hawk, the head of the Bureau of Indian Affairs, rescinded a controversial 2008 memorandum by the Bush Administration that effectively banned off-reservation gaming.
Echo Hawk told tribal leaders today at the National Congress of American Indians mid-year conference in Milwaukee, Wisconsin that the memo issued in January 2008 was “unnecessary.”
“Our balanced and considered approach to reviewing off-reservation gaming applications was affirmed during deliberate consultation with tribal leaders,” Echo Hawk said in a BIA statement. “The 2008 guidance memorandum was unnecessary and was issued without the benefit of tribal consultation. We will proceed to process off-reservation gaming applications in a transparent manner, consistent with existing law.”
Following extensive tribal consultations, Echo Hawk overturned the memorandum issued January 3, 2008 that set limits on acquiring land in trust for gaming. The following day, the memo lead to the rejection of more than a dozen off-reservation casinos, reported
After Echo Hawk broke the news, Sen. Charles E. Schumer (D-New York) released a statement that the previous Catskill casino applications should to be reconsidered, specifically citing theStockbridge-Munsee, which have sought to build a casino in Sullivan County, and the St. Regis Mohawks, who sought to build a casino at the Monticello Raceway.
“Today’s announcement cracks open a previously locked door and presents a renewed opportunity to pursue a Catskills casino,” said Schumer. “Though barriers still remain, this groundbreaking action by DOI removes what was an insurmountable hurdle on the path to a Catskills casino. The Department of the Interior has seen the light and overturned this unfounded administrative standard, which will open the door for applications to build casinos in the Catskills, which have enjoyed broad support, and because they can create jobs and new economic opportunities for upstate New Yorkers in one of our state’s most economically challenged areas.”

Tuesday, June 14, 2011


I was so proud to represent AIANTA (American Indian Alaska Native Tourism) at NCAI's mid-year conference here in Milwaukee. It is about introducing America's first people to the world! The conference theme, "Native Resources, Tribal Culture and Economic Development" is the appropriate springboard for discussing tribal sovereignty! Think about it - sovereignty is not a gift from the state or a privilege from Congress!!! Tribal sovereignty is a gift from the creator. It is inherent in each one of us when we are born and as our ancestor's fought and died for it so we are blessed.
I also got to see many AIANTA friends and tribal leader friends! Mike Metoxen, Rich Figueroa, Ja Doxtator, Margo Gray-Proctor, Deana Jackson, Lori Winfree - the list goes on and on and on and on.....
I forgot to mention that before I came here to Milwaukee, I stopped off in Washington, DC for a night because I had a meeting at the Bureau of Indian Affairs. We met with Leroy Gishi, from BIA/Transportation, to discuss the accomplishments as well as the future for AIANTA! We also recognized the BIA's efforts and support with a gift of an art print from the Enough Good People project.  I hope to report their continued support in the future!
Working in Indian Country is such a challenge but it is truly rewarding to work alongside such wonderful people!

Monday, June 13, 2011

NCAI/NIGA and Oneida Nation of Wisconsin Honor James Billie

Indian Country gathered tonight at the Mid-Year NCAI Conference in Milwaukee, Wisconsin to welcome Chairman James Billie back into tribal leadership. It was an eventful night and one that was met with many insightful presentations. Chairman Rick Hill, Oneida welcomed Ernie Stevens, Jr., Chairman of NIGA and Jefferson Keel, President of NCAI to honor Chairman Billie and Vice Chairman Tony Sanchez to the podium.
Chairman Billie introduced Joel M. Frank, Sr. who as far as Indian Country is concerned, needs no introduction and discussed their history in Indian Gaming and Tribal Leadership. It was a great night to see Seminole honored.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Policy Position from National Governor's Association - 7/2009

EDC-06. The Role of States, the Federal Government, and Indian Tribal Governments with Respect to Indian Gaming and Taxation Issues
6.1 Preamble
Governors value their important relationships with tribal governments. Governors recognize and respect the sovereignty of Indian tribal governments and support economic advancement and independence for tribes. State and tribal governments must continue to work together on many significant issues.
6.2 Gaming
6.2.1 Commitment to a Solution. Governors are committed to resolving the complex issues involved in the implementation of the Indian Gaming Regulatory Act of 1988 (IGRA) and the management of other congressional and federal decisions that have an impact on states in this area.
6.2.2 Sovereignty Issues. By enacting IGRA, Congress intended that states and tribes would work together to ensure that Indian gaming is consistent with existing state gaming policy.
As a state’s chief executive officer and the primary defender of state sovereignty, a governor has the ultimate responsibility to act in the best interests of all state citizens, which includes citizens of tribal governments located within state boundaries. Although Indian gaming activities conducted pursuant to IGRA occur within the boundaries of tribal lands, they attract non-tribal patrons. The impacts of these activities—positive and negative—are felt far beyond the geographic boundaries of tribal lands.
6.2.3 Scope of Gaming. Much of the confusion and conflict that has arisen out of IGRA implementation centers around determining which gaming activities and devices are permitted by a state’s public policy. States must define the scope of the gaming activities and devices subject to negotiation under IGRA. States and tribes can then negotiate to operate those gaming activities and devices in the state.
6.2.4  Federal and State Enforcement. The federal government should use existing IGRA enforcement authority to stop Class III (i.e., casino-style) gaming conducted on Indian lands in violation of, or in the absence of, a tribal-state compact. Given the growth of gaming on Indian lands, Congress should increase resources necessary for enforcement by the federal government of tribal-state compacts and Indian gaming laws and regulations. When the federal government, through the National Indian Gaming Commission, initiates enforcement action under IGRA, it should keep respective state regulatory entities informed of its actions.
Congress should grant states authority to seek injunctive relief in the federal courts to compel the appropriate federal agencies to take action against Class III gaming not governed by a tribal-state compact and gaming conducted off qualified Indian lands.
6.2.5  Regulatory Oversight. State and tribal governments should determine their respective regulatory oversight roles through the tribal-state compact negotiation process. If such standards are established, the federal government’s oversight role should be limited to cases in which the state and tribe fail to meet established minimum regulatory standards.
Congressional establishment of minimum regulatory standards should not preempt future enactments of stricter state laws, nor should it prevent states from negotiating with tribal governments for more stringent regulatory standards as part of a tribal-state compact.
6.2.6  Amendments and Conflict Resolution. Governors remain committed to resolving the conflicts arising out of IGRA implementation. Proposed amendments to IGRA must address the principal concerns of governors and ultimately help keep states and tribes in negotiations and free from litigation.
Any amendments to IGRA should encourage state and tribal governments to work together to resolve conflicts that may arise during the compact negotiation process.
6.3 Trust Lands
6.3.1 Trust Land Acquisition in General. A significant amount of land is taken into trust each year, depriving states and localities of tax revenues and creating civil and criminal jurisdictional challenges. Governors of affected states, therefore, should be consulted with respect to all trust land acquisition decisions undertaken by the U.S. Department of the Interior (DOI).
6.3.2 Federal Regulation. Governors ask that any new regulations regarding taking land into trust for the benefit of Indian tribes include a requirement that states be able to review tribal submissions and evidence, just as tribes are able to review state submissions and language. This would help ensure that states have the right to provide data challenging assertions made in the proposals to take land into trust.
Governors must have concurrent authority with respect to all trust land acquisition decisions undertaken by the DOI. Governors ask that any new regulations include the following: 
  • criteria under which there is a required on-the-record analysis of the benefits and detriments of taking land into trust, and clear specification of the criteria that must be met to justify taking the land into trust, so as to provide a basis for meaningful judicial review;
  • an impartial decisionmaker, not the DOI, to review the criteria and make the administrative determination based on the evidence; and
  • a requirement that the DOI, as a required part of its decision, state whether the Secretary will exercise authority under 25 USC 467 to declare the area for acquisition to have “Indian reservation” status.
6.3.3 Trust Land Acquisition for Gaming Purposes. The DOI has acknowledged that a governor’s permission is required before land can be acquired for gaming purposes under IGRA’s two part determination exception under 25 USC 2719 (b)(1)(A). The DOI should ensure that governors are consulted before any land can be taken into trust for gaming purposes in an affected state. Congress also must support its commitment to allow states to have a meaningful role in the trust land acquisition process.  Congress must ensure governors’ participation in this decisionmaking process—namely, that no trust land acquisition for gaming purposes pursuant to either federal statute or administrative processes should be possible without first consulting with the governor and tribal leaders of the state in which gaming activity is to be conducted.
Whenever land is taken into trust, whether contiguous land or noncontiguous land, the tribe’s proposal should include complete disclosure of all proposed gaming activities and gaming-related activities such as parking lots, casino overflow activities, casino resort facilities, and related activities that are not strictly for gaming purposes, but that are designed specifically to facilitate the expansion of gaming activities by virtue of the trust acquisition.
6.3.4  State and Local Taxation Authority Over Trust Lands.Removing land from state and local tax rolls may have a significant economic impact on many states and localities. It can also create confusion regarding what governmental entity is responsible for providing and maintaining essential government services such as police and fire protection, water and sewer infrastructure, and environmental regulation. Therefore, before land is taken into trust by DOI, the regulations should require the existence of an enforceable agreement between the state (and local government, if appropriate) and the tribal government regarding the application of state and local taxes on the proposed trust land, as well as the agreements regarding the provision of government services for the proposed trust land. The failure to produce evidence of such agreements should weigh against the acquisition of the land in trust.
Time limited (effective Annual Meeting 2009–Annual Meeting 2011).
Adopted Winter Meeting 1997; reaffirmed Winter Meeting 1999; revised Annual Meeting 1999, Annual Meeting 2001, Annual Meeting 2003, Annual Meeting 2005, Annual Meeting 2007, and Annual Meeting 2009.

SEMINOLES - the issue of state taxation is central to a nationwide attack on tribal revenue and ultimately tribal sovereignty!

Rob Porter writes about NY Court Issues another ban on state taxes in tobacco war

New York State has been blocked again from taxing cigarettes sold on Indian reservations.
Associate Justice Jerome C. Gorski of the Appellate Division of the State Supreme Court issued a temporary restraining order (TRO) on Thursday, June 9, preventing the state from collecting taxes on cigarettes sold to non Indians on sovereign Indian land.
It’s the latest move in the legal chess game that characterizes the tobacco war between the State of New York and the indigenous nations within its borders.
A day earlier, Supreme Court Justice Donna Siwek lifted a temporary restraining order which blocked the state from collecting taxes on cigarettes sold to non Indians on sovereign Indian land – an order that she herself had issued three weeks earlier. Attorneys for the Seneca Nation of Indiansimmediately appealed to the Appellate Division, which followed through by imposing the TRO the next morning.  The order is effective until June 20 when the State of New York, its tax department and state officials named as defendant are ordered to appear in court to argue why the court should not issue a preliminary injunction against the state’s tax law, pending an appeal of the lower court’s order.
Seneca Nation President Robert Odawi Porter reiterated his statement from a day earlier. “If New York State courts eventually allow this New York State law to stand, it will have two primary results. One, good-paying retail jobs, selling a legal product in Western New York, will be lost; and, two, there will be no change in the Seneca Nation’s stand that it will never collect or impose sales taxes for New York State. If the Nation’s businesses need to shift their product mix to render such onerous tax laws moot, they will,” Porter said.
The Seneca Nation insists that the nation’s 1842 Treaty of Buffalo with the federal government governs taxation issues in the state. The treaty says, in part, that the U.S. “will protect such lands of the Seneca Indians, within the State of New York, as may from time to time remain in their possession from all taxes, and assessments for roads, highways, or any other purpose.”
“No one should underestimate the Nation’s resolve to defend and protect its sovereign rights. Immunity from taxes by federal treaty is the law of the land. Our people survived state encroachment before and triumphed for centuries as an independent and successful people. That will not change now.”
In lifting the ban against the state, Siwek had rejected a motion by the Seneca Nation that the state tax department had violated state procedural requirements in adopting regulations last June that require wholesalers to pay for and affix a $4.35-a-pack tax stamp on all cigarettes sold in the state, including those sold to Indian nations on sovereign reservation lands. The law was originally slated to take effect Sept. 1, 2010, but several Indian nations filed lawsuits in federal court last August to stop its enforcement. Two federal courts granted a stay, but on May 2 the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit vacated all orders staying enforcement. The Senecas then moved to state court where Siwek granted a TRO on May 10.
The new law requires a sovereign Indian nation to ask the state for reimbursement of the taxes paid on cigarettes sold to Indians on reservations. Alternately, a nation could commit to a quota system in which the state determines exactly how many tax-free cigarettes tribal members could smoke each year. None of the Iroquois Confederacy nations – the Seneca, Oneida, Onondaga, St. Regis Mohawk, Cayuga, Tuscarora nations – or the Unkechaug and Shinnecock nations have signed up for the quota system.
In her 10-page ruling lifting the TRO that she had imposed on May 10, Siwek said that New York’s tax policy “is required to strike the difficult balance between the state’s objectives with regards to the sovereignty.” But she also noted that her ruling did not address the broader issues surrounding the state’s claimed right to collect taxes from Indian reservations.
Meanwhile, the nations within New York’s borders have moved increasingly toward sales of reservation-produced cigarettes, putting the tax issue out of the reach of the state. The Oneida Nation said Siwek’s decision would not impact its ability to sell cigarettes at a lower cost. “We will continue to provide our customers with a selection of cigarette brands like Niagara’s, Bishop, Great Country and Cool Harbor as they are manufactured on the Oneida homelands and not subject to state taxes. We will sell the remaining inventory of cigarette brands not manufactured on the Oneida Indian land,” said Mark Emery, Oneida Nation’s director of media relations.
John M Becker, chairman of the Madison County Board of Supervisors, issued a press release early Thursday, apparently before the appellate court issued the new ban on the state’s tax law. He praised Siwek for ruling “in favor of the State of New York. This ruling follows recent decisions of the federal courts that the State law requiring collection of sales and excise taxes on tribes’ cigarette sales to non-Indians does not infringe tribal sovereignty.”
Becker appeared to blame Indian nations for the state’s $9.2 billion budget deficit.  “It (tax collection from reservations) will be a great benefit to taxpayers who have suffered from the economic hardship caused by Native American tribes who have refused to cooperate in the collection of these taxes on cigarettes sold to non-Indians and have cost the State and counties across the State, including Madison County, hundreds of millions of dollars in tax revenues.”
Becker particularly targeted the Oneida Indian Nation, which has been in litigation with the county for decades. “It is disappointing the Oneida Indian Nation continues efforts to avoid collection of taxes from non-Indian consumers that would help pay for the services they receive that are essential to and benefit their businesses (e.g. plowing and road maintenance, fire and police protection, etc.) and their members (various social services provided by the State and County),” Becker said. The Oneida Nation, which has a   philosophy of sharing resources, had contributed almost $45 million to the surrounding communities, including more than $1 million to the Verona Fire Department by the end of 2007 when Turning Stone Resort Casino had been operating for 17 years.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

My Seminole Voice

Welcome to my latest blog - a project that I have launched for the meaningful discussion of issues that on the surface may seem Seminole, but at the core are human.  "My Seminole Voice" is the continued effort of  my column, Seminole Voice, that appeared in the Seminole Tribune. I hope to discuss issues that are important to not only me but to my blogging friends.  Some days may include links to things I find interesting - other days I may use this blog to document my thoughts... Other days I may just mention a topic and leave it up to you...
In May of this year, I transitioned out of my employment with the Seminole Tribe of Florida. This decision was not an easy one, but a reactionary one on my part. I was reacting out of frustration, disappointment, and most of all confusion. The election process itself was the source of much controversy and its management was politically controlled. I hope that this blog will give all of you an insight into my thoughts and reason. I hope that all of you will understand where I stood on May 9th and in the days that followed.
I am 43 years old and the mother of two children - I take my role as a Seminole woman seriously and I live my life as a native woman with passion, compassion, and empathy.
I hope to meet the other warriors out there! We are of all races, we have no gender on the battlefront and we are of all religions. Political parties play no part in the defense of tribal sovereignty and the rights of native people. We have always been the Indian problem to all three branches of government and until that day comes when native people live as sovereigns, we will not be treated like one.
I believe in healthy discourse and will respectfully remove anything that promotes violence, hatred or is just outright mean.